The One Ring Roleplaying Game is based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It is chock full of incredible artwork by leading artists, including John Howe and Jon Hodgson. The rules are designed by award-winning games designer Francesco Nepitello. There has never been a game based on The Lord of the Rings more evocative of Tolkien’s unique vision.
Along with rich and detailed background information, the game has character types unique to the world. The setting also that changes as the Tale of Years progresses; when you play The One Ring Roleplaying Game you really feel like you are playing in Middle-earth.
The Setting of The One Ring
Middle-earth is a huge place; it stretches thousands of miles from the Lonely Mountain in the north to Far Harad in the south, and beyond. It’s an ancient land too, with richly detailed history going back thousands of years to the First Age.
But The One Ring Roleplaying Game is set in a very particular place, in a very specific time: Wilderland, 5 years after the Battle of Five Armies. Wilderland is at once familiar to fans of the novels, as it’s the region both Thorin’s Company and the Fellowship (once broken) traverse on their journeys.
This land is filled with instantly recognisable locations from the novels: Mirkwood, Thranduil’s Halls, Lake-town, Erebor, the Lonely Mountain, Dol Guldur. All are locations ripe for exploration and adventure. Its also home to some of the best-loved characters from the novels too, from Radagast the Brown and the Elvenking Thranduil to King Bard of Dale and King Dáin of Erebor.
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