If you haven’t seen Knights of Dice scenery then it’s worth checking out. Made from MDF with plastic and card components, they have some really impressive buildings to choose from. There’s a great range of American-style buildings called Sentry City, with a cool early-mid 20th Century feel. As if those weren’t enough, the accompanying Chinatown range will make your miniatures feel like they’ve stepped onto the set of Big Trouble in Little China.
3 Reasons the X-Wing Miniatures Game is perfect for busy gamers
The X-Wing Miniatures Game from Fantasy Flight Games is something that interested me since it came out in 2012. Probably like most miniatures gamers I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but there are a lot of Star Wars games out there and only so much time. This one managed to slip by until recently, but now I’m a definite convert – and if you’re a busy gamer who can’t quite find the time, here’s three reasons why you should too (it was going to be five reasons, but as it’s aimed as busy people we cut it down to three – you’re welcome) .
1. You already know what the X-Wing Miniatures Game is about
This might be stating the obvious, but you already know everything you need to about the Star Wars universe*. So many games are difficult to get to grips with because you don’t understand the background (or ‘fluff’ as people seem to want to call it these days). You’re not sure who the factions are or why you should care about them. Continue reading 3 Reasons the X-Wing Miniatures Game is perfect for busy gamers